Our Price

Client New Business Startup Small Business Medium Business Large enterprises Consolidated USA/Canada
Services Basic bookkeeping – Setup Chart of accounts, categorization of transactions, bank reconciliation, and producing a general ledger and a trial balance
Fee Per Month
Amount $49.99 $159.99 $499.99 To be quoted based on your requirements $179.99
Volume Up to 50 banking transactions Up to 200 banking transactions Up to 900 banking transactions Up to 200 banking transactions
Software QB Desktop or a similar desktop software
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QB Online $15/User/month
XERO $10/User/month
Payroll $5.00 per employee per run - includes paystub, ROE, and T4 preparation
WSIB reporting $50/Per reporting
EHT reporting $150/year
Sales tax filing $75/reporting $75/reporting $150/reporting To Quote $75/reporting
Note Bookkeeping services are performed from your bank and visa statements. We can provide a separate quotation based on your requirements if you need to manage your customer invoicing, accounts receivable, suppliers’ bills, and payments